Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Female Attorney Defends a Peeping Tom's Right to Look Up a Female's Skirt, or How Women Really Don't Get Feminism

A news story out of Andover, Massachusetts states that a man prosecuted for taking up-skirt photos of female passengers on the train believes that it is his first amendment right to be a slimy pervert. Now, I know what you may be thinking, "Criminals will say anything to get away with their crimes." But this is much worse than just an asshat trying to rationalize his sexual deviance, this is about the FEMALE LAWYER that is representing him, and is following through with this excuse in a court of law. 

The lawyer, Michelle Menken, states that "people cannot expect privacy" in public places, such as the train, and that the Massachusetts state 'Peeping Tom' law that they are using against her client only covers fully nude individuals, not clothed, or partially clothed individuals. She also stresses that in public places there is no expectation of privacy, such as what you would find in a department store dressing room, so the law does not apply. Lastly, she states that prosecuting people who take pictures of clothed people in public places would, "potentially punish artistic and journalistic activities protected by the first amendment." 
................. Uh.

So this piece of human garbage, a pervert, who took up-skirt photos on the train of innocent women is being validated in his actions by an actual living, breathing female. A woman who, by all means, could have been one of this scumbag's victims. Huh? This guy literally tried every excuse in court, was denied, charged, and now he is grasping at straws by pulling the old, "I thought this was America?" line.

And this dim bulb is representing him, actively trying to get this pervert back out on the street so he can sexually assault other women. Because this is sexual assault, plain and simple. I understand that she is a defense attorney, and it is her job to defend criminals, but really? You're a woman? Women are sexually assaulted, verbally abused, leered at, cat-called at, followed, underestimated and persecuted around the world every fucking day. Why would you even waste your time with this? Have you seriously fallen on such hard times that you would sell out your gender for money? And note that I have included this woman's email address many times so that if you are as outraged as I am, that you can email her and ask her why yourself. She's really doing us proud, isn't she?

This bring up another great topic. Women hate women. They really and truly do. Women hate toher women for valid reasons, and for stupid-ass reasons. You know that sense of camaraderie that men have with their other man friends? Women even hate their woman friends! Women will back stab their best friends for petty fucking reasons, where a man would usually never do such a thing. Why do women hate on other women if they are prettier, or have more success? We should be like racial and cultural groups,supporting one another when things like this happen. We should be mass emailing her and shaming her for siding with the oppressors.

We won't, because we are too self-centered to look beyond ourselves and see that the female gender is constantly at war with the entire world, and especially other women. If we were more forgiving, less judgmental, and friendlier to other women, than our struggles would lessen significantly. But we can't just stop hatin' on that bitch with the new Louboutins, because we heard from some gossiping snake that she sucked dick for them. Get a grip, chicas, come on, now! Read a history book, or find out how women are treated over seas. Then maybe we can get our collective heads out of the sand.
Yeah, Morgan, and good luck to Michelle Menken. I'm sure she will be able to sleep real well on a pillow of money, taken from a man who would not think twice about raping her if he could get away with it. The end.

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